Controlling Asthma: Top Tips To Manage Your Condition Effectively
Total visits: 591
Posted on: 09/11/22
You have just been diagnosed with asthma. Now what? The diagnosis of asthma can be frightening, but the disease does not need to control your life. There are plenty of things people with asthma can do to limit the effect it has on their daily activities. This article will outline some ways you can begin to manage your asthma symptoms.
Concurrent health problems can contribute to your asthma symptoms. Many people with allergies find that their asthma symptoms become worse around allergy triggers. If you keep on top of your concurrent health problems, youll be less likely to be triggered into an acute asthma attack. Ask your doctor if your other diagnoses could contribute to your struggle with asthma.
If youre caught without your inhaler when you have an attack, grab a cup of coffee. The caffeine in the beverage will open up your airways and allow you to breathe a little easier. If you dont have a caffeinated beverage on hand, the small amounts of caffeine in a chocolate bar can also help.
If you are going to exercise, start very slowly. Sudden exercise such as taking off running can trigger asthma for most people. You can exercise, but do some warming up exercises that will gradually increase your heart rate until you feel comfortable with harder exercises. Do not force yourself to exercise if you feel you are going to have an asthma attack.
While exercising, to avoid an attack or to overcome a mild attack take these two steps. Step One: thrust all of the air out of your lungs, really force it. Step Two: create an "O" shape with your lips, almost like you are about to whistle, but not that narrow, then forcibly suck air back into your lungs until you are comfortably filled with air. Repeat these steps as long as you are exercising and are worried about an attack. The breathing creates a rhythm so that you are aware of your breathing. It also causes you to mildly hyperventilate, pumping more oxygen into your bloodstream.
If your asthma attacks are severe, you may want to speak with your doctor about a long lasting injection of medication to control your symptoms. Omalizumab is one such medication, and can control the allergic symptoms you may be experienced. An allergist will be able to tell you if this is a good option.
When you know you have asthma be sure to exercise moderately. Excessive and prolonged physical activity may generate asthma attacks. Some people only have attacks during these exercises. Be sure to breathe through your nose when you exercise as breathing in cold air through your mouth can be the trigger of your attacks.
Never rush into a hard-core exercise program! Overworking your lungs with vigorous exercise is a common trigger for asthma attacks. By slowly starting your workout and building up to a more vigorous level, you can more easily avoid impending attacks. This also gives you an easier time if an attack does occur, as getting control of your breathing happens faster if you are exerting yourself less.
While exercise can be difficult if you have asthma and risky if you exercise too much too fast, it is also very important for controlling your asthma. Exercise increases the strength and health of your lungs. This enables you to better withstand and regain control when you have an asthma attack. Therefore, try to get at least some exercise every day. Even minor exercise like going for a walk can be helpful.
As you can see, your asthma does not need to limit you from having fun. With proper management, people with asthma can live full and satisfying lives. The trick to living well with asthma is being prepared for emergency situations and managing your symptoms adequately. A working knowledge of your body is the first step to doing this!